The University of Melbourne|墨爾本大學|簡稱:墨大
澳洲排名Top 1 名校
超過五個學院世界排名前30名強『全世界僅 16間大學』
- 4位澳大利亞總理
- 5位澳大利亞總督
- 8位諾貝爾獎得主
- 9位澳大利亞州長
- 12位奧運金牌得主
- 120位 羅德獎學金得主 『澳洲第1』
✅環太平洋大學聯盟 APRU
✅國際研究型大學聯盟 IARU
✅Universitas 21 大學聯盟 U21
✅亞太國際貿易教育暨研究聯盟 PACIBER
➡️QS World Rankings by Arts, Humanities and Social Sciencest 2021
# 1 in Australia
# 26 in the world
➡️QS World Rankings by Performing Arts 2021
# 1 in Australia
# 19 in the world
Business and Economics
➡️Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
# 1 in Australia
#31 in the world
➡️QS World University Subject Rankings 2021
# 1 in Australia
#24 in the world Social Sciences and Management
# 1 in Australia
#30 in the world Economics and Econometrics
# 1 in Australia
#32 in the world Business and Management Studies
➡️University Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2020
# 1 in Australia
#35 in the world
School of Education
➡️QS World Rankingst 2021
# 1 in Australia
# 14 in the world
➡️Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
# 1 in Australia
# 39 in the world Computer Science and Information Systems
➡️Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
# 2 in Australia
# 49 in the world Electrical Engineering
➡️Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
# 1 in Australia
# 11 in the world Law
Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
➡️Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
# 1 in Australia
43 in the world Biology
# 1 in Australia
# 18in the world Medicine
# 1 in Australia
# 20 in the world Psychology
➡️Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
# 1 in Australia
# 43 in the world Biology
# 2 in Australia
# 47 in the world Chemistry